라킨(Rakhine) 주(州) 내 분파간 폭력사태로부터 도망친 사람들을 외면하지 마십시오

2012년 6월 27일

라킨(Rakhine) (분파간 폭력사태로 인한 난민들을 외면하지 마십시오

Do not turn away those fleeing the sectarian violence in Rakhine state


아시아태평양난민인권네트워크(APRRN) 공식 성명

APRRN Press Release   

   2012년 6월 20일 – 아시아태평양난민인권네트워크(Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network)는 방글라데시 정부가 최근 미얀마 라킨 주에서 일어난 분파간 폭력사태로부터 도망친 사람들에게 안전한 피난처를 제공하길 거부하였고 또 난민신청자들을 강제로 미얀마로 돌려보낸 사실에 대하여 심각한 우려를 표명합니다.


특별히 우려되는 것은 방글라데시 국경수비대(BGB: Border Guards Bangladesh)의 성명 내용입니다. 그들은 2012년 6월 16일에 728명의 로힝가(Rohingya) 난민들을 방글라데시에 억류하다가 13명만 남기고 모두 이미 미얀마로 강제송환 하였다는 공식 입장을 내놓은 바 있습니다.


아시아태평양난민인권네트워크는 라킨 주로부터 탈출한 난민들이 방글라데시나 여타 다른 국가들로부터 안전한 피난처를 제공받아야 하며, 적어도 현황 실태 조사가 보다 정확하게 이뤄지고 또 귀환했을 시의 안전과 그 보호가 보장될 때까지는 안전한 피난처를 제공받아야 한다고 믿습니다.


아시아태평양난민인권네트워크는 방글라데시가 많은 로힝가 난민 인구를 이미 보유해오고 있으며, 그 가운데 2만 9천 명은 두 군데의 공립 난민 캠프에 살고 있고 또 20만 명의 미등록 로힝가 난민들이 방글라데시 곳곳에 흩어져 살고 있음도 잘 알고 있습니다. 따라서 아시아태평양난민인권네트워크는 방글라데시 당국자들이 최근의 소요사태로부터 탈출한 로힝가 난민들에게도 이전과 같은 인도주의 정신을 확충해줄 것과 미얀마 정부와 함께 보다 긍정적인 노력을 이어나갈 것을 촉구합니다. 그리고 국제사회가 이번 현안과 연관된 자들을 구제할 방도를 찾고 또 미얀마 정부가 라킨 주의 평화를 회복하는 작업을 도울 것을 촉구하는 바입니다.


아시아 태평양난민인권네트워크는 또한 기부자들과 지역 정부(regional government)들, 그리고 국제기구들이 방글라데시의 난민 수용 부담을 분담하는데 필요한 외교적 지원과 자금 지원을 해줄 것을 촉구합니다.


라킨 주에서 비(非)시민 취급 받으며 인간으로서의 기본권조차 제대로 보장받지 못해 온 로힝가 무슬림 난민들에게 가해져 온 차별적 대우의 증거는 이미 잘 갖춰진 상황입니다. 특히 관련 당국의 허가 없이 미얀마를 떠난 로힝가 난민들은 특별한 징벌적 처분에 직면하게 되는데, [이 처분이 결코 가볍지 않아서,] 불법 출입국 죄목으로 5년 이상의 징역형을 선고 받을 가능성을 포함합니다.


난민신청을 행하여 난민지위를 인정받아 향유할 권리는 국제관습법과 국제인권선언이 신성불가침적인 것의 일환으로 고이 내포하고 있는 인간의 기본권 범주에 속하는 권리입니다.

Do not turn away those fleeing the sectarian violence in Rakhine state

June 20, 2012

20 June 2012

  The Asia Pacific Refugee Rights Network is gravely concerned that Bangladesh has denied safe haven to those fleeing from recent sectarian violence in Rakhine State in Myanmar and has taken action to forcibly return asylum seekers back to Myanmar.

  Of particular concern is the statement by the Border Guards Bangladesh (BGB) on 16 June 2012 that some 728 Rohingya have been detained in Bangladesh and that all but 13 have already been deported to Myanmar.

  APRRN believes that those fleeing from Rakhine State should be afforded safe haven in Bangladesh and in other countries, at least until the current situation on the ground can be more accurately assessed and the safety and protection of returnees can be assured.

  APRRN acknowledges that Bangladesh has long been host to a large Rohingya refugee population, including the 29,000 refugees living in the two official camps and some 200,000 unregistered Rohingya who live in Bangladesh. APRRN therefore urges the authorities in Bangladesh to extend the same humanitarian spirit to those fleeing the current wave of unrest and to continue positive efforts with Myanmar and the international community to find solutions for this particular population and to support the Government of Myanmar to build peace in Rakhine State.

  APPRN also urges donor and regional governments and international organisations to provide necessary diplomatic and financial support to assist in sharing the asylum burden with Bangladesh.

  The discriminatory treatment of Rohingya in Rakhine State, where they are regarded as non-citizens and deprived of most basic rights, has been well documented. In particular, Rohingya who depart the country without authorization face particularly punitive treatment, including up to five years imprisonment for illegal exit and entry.

  The right to seek and enjoy asylum is a fundamental human right enshrined in the both customary international law and the Universal Declaration for Human Rights.

   [원문 링크]


   (3기 인턴 강태승 번역 및 편집)


최종수정일: 2022.06.19

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