유엔 인권전문가 발표, 선주민들 천연자원 경쟁에 고통받아

2011년 9월 22일

[유엔뉴스 2011/9/20] 선주민 거주지역 내 또는 주변에 일어나는 천연자원 추출과 여러 개발사업이 오늘날 전세계에서 일어나는 가장 중대한 인권위반의 근원 중 하나라는 유엔전문가의 의견이 제기되었습니다.

유엔 선주민 인권 특별보고관 제임스 아나야 (James Anaya) 보고관은 “현재 지배적인 관행으로서의 선주민 거주지역 내 천연자원 추출개발 모델은 선주민들의 정치적, 사회적, 경제적 자결권 (self-determination)을 위반하고 있는 것으로 보인다” 고 제네바의 유엔 인권위원회에 전했습니다.

아나야 보고관이 정부기관, 선주민들과 선주민 단체, 기업체 등에 배포한 설문조사 자료에 기초한 조사보고서에 의하면, 선주민 지역 내 광산업, 임업, 석유 및 천연가스 추출, 수력 발전 사업이 끼칠 수 있는 부정적인 영향과 이득에 대한 견해가 일치하지 못하고 서로 충돌하고 있습니다. 아나야 보고관은, 이러한 다른 시각들과 행동방침들을 조화시키고 정부기관, 선주민 단체, 기업체, 국제기구들 간의 폭넓은 대화를 통해 최선의 관행을 모색하는 것이 선주민 인권보호의 우선순위라고 설명하였습니다. 의견일치를 이끌어내는 일이 가장 중요한 요소인 것입니다. 그 예로 최근 기업체가 광산업과 같은 거대사업을 추진하기 전에 선주민 주체와 반드시 상의를 하게끔 규정하는 페루의 새로운 법을 높이 사기도 했습니다.

현재 이러한 천연자원 경쟁으로 의해 선주민들의 점진적 토지, 영역, 천원자원 통제권 상실; 식수 및 농작물, 방목지에 영향을 미치는 수자원 고갈과 오염; 공동의 건강을 해치는 수질 및 공기 오염; 외지에서 온 노동자들과 이주자들과의 교류를 통해 확산된 전염병의 증가 등의 많은 문제들이 나타나고 있습니다.

또한, 선주민 사회구조나 문화도 여러 부정적인 영향을 받고 있습니다. 예를 들면, 예전에는 존재하지 않았던 알코올 중독이나 매춘 현상도 타지에서 온 근로자들과 특정 산업관계자들의 영향으로 급격히 증가하고 있으며, 공사현장이 많아짐에 따라 교통 체증의 문제도 발생하고 있습니다. 선주민들과 NGO들의 보고에 따르면, 추출산업이 벌어지는 선주민 지역에서의 정부군 및 사설 보안군에 의한 폭행 사례도 증가하고 있으며, 특히 선주민 지도자들이 폭행의 대상이 되고 있다고 합니다. 추출산업을 반대하는 선주민 마을에서는 대체적으로 이러한 인권 탄압이 일어나고 있는 것입니다.

몇몇  정부에서는 천연자원 추출사업이 일부 국가의 국민총생산(GNP)의 60-70%를 차지하는 등 자국 경제에 매우 중요한 역할을 하며, 따라서 선주민들에게도 이득이 된다고 강조하고 있습니다. 광산업 기업 측은, 선주민들이 도로, 통신, 전기, 수도 등의 공공 기반 시설 건설로 인해 직접적인 혜택을 누려 왔으며 의료 및 교육의 기회에 관한 혜택도 누리고 있다고 주장합니다

하지만 대부분의 선주민들은 추출사업이 유발하는 환경적, 문화적, 사회적 피해를 강조하며, 최소한의 혜택이나 단기적 이득이 있을지라도 이러한 해로운 영향이 훨씬 크다고 주장합니다. 이들은 어떠한 혜택보다도, 건강하고 오염되지 않은 환경, 그리고 추출사업으로 인해 파괴되고 피폐해지지 않은 인간답고 안정된 삶을 원한다는 것입니다. 

   INDIGENOUS PEOPLES SUFFER ABUSES IN RACE FOR NATURAL RESOURCES – UN RIGHTS EXPERT  New York, Sep 20 2011  7:05PM  Extraction of natural resources and other major development projects in or near the territories of indigenous peoples is one of the most significant sources of abuse of their human rights worldwide, an independent United Nations expert warned today.

“In its prevailing form, the model for advancing with natural resource extraction within the territories of indigenous peoples appears to run counter to the self-determination of indigenous peoples in the political, social and economic spheres,” the Special Rapporteur on the rights of indigenous peoples James Anaya <“http://www.ohchr.org/en/NewsEvents/Pages/DisplayNews.aspx?NewsID=11402&LangID=E“>told the UN Human Rights Council in Geneva.

In a <“http://www.un.org/Docs/journal/asp/ws.asp?m=A/hrc/18/35“>report based on answers to a questionnaire he distributed to governments, indigenous peoples and organizations, business corporations and other actors, he cited conflicting viewpoints on the potential adverse impact and benefits of such activities as mining, forestry, oil and natural gas extraction and hydroelectric projects in indigenous territories.

He said he had made it a priority to reconcile the differing views and courses of action to ensure the full protection of indigenous rights and promote best practices through a broad dialogue with governments, indigenous peoples’ organizations, corporate actors and international institutions, in which consensus-building would be a key element.

“The lack of a minimum common ground for understanding the key issues by all actors concerned entails a major barrier for the effective protection and realization of indigenous peoples’ rights,” he added, praising a new Peruvian law compelling private companies to consult indigenous communities before going ahead with major projects such as mining.

Among key concerns, Mr. Anaya included the gradual loss of control by indigenous peoples over lands, territories and natural resources; water source depletion and contamination for drinking, farming and grazing; the adverse effects of water and airborne pollution on overall community health; and an increase in infectious diseases spread by interaction with workers or settlers.

Another concern was the adverse impact on indigenous social structures and cultures, including alarming rates of alcoholism and prostitution previously unheard of among such peoples, imported by illegal loggers or miners, non-indigenous workers and industry personnel in specific projects, and increased traffic due to the construction of roads and other infrastructure.

“Submissions by indigenous peoples and non-governmental organizations (NGOs) also reported an escalation of violence by government and private security forces as a consequence of extractive operations in indigenous territories, especially against indigenous leaders,” Mr. Anaya noted. “A general repression of human rights was reported in situations where entire communities had voiced their opposition to extractive operations.”

Several governments highlighted the key importance of natural resource extraction projects for their domestic economies that, reportedly accounting for up to 60 to 70 per cent of the gross national product (GNP) in some countries, with positive benefits for indigenous peoples.

Mining companies noted that indigenous peoples have been direct beneficiaries of basic infrastructure construction such as roads, communications, electricity and water services, as well as health and educational opportunities.

But most indigenous peoples underscored the adverse effects on their environment, culture and societies, which they said outweighed the minimal or short-term benefits arising out of extractive operations.

For example, a member of the Pemon people of Venezuela reported that benefits from extractive industries were not a top priority within the community, which sought “healthy communities, with no infections, in a pollution-free environment,” Mr. Anaya said.

Similarly, an organization representing the traditional authorities of the Cofan people of Colombia concluded that “indigenous peoples are left with no option other than to try to find something positive for their communities out of the disaster left behind by the extraction of oil, mineral, and other resources” in their lands.

“The vast majority of indigenous peoples’ responses, many of which stemmed from the direct experience of specific projects affecting their territories and communities, rather emphasized a common perception of disenfranchisement, ignorance of their rights and concerns on the part of States and businesses enterprises, and constant life insecurity in the face of encroaching extractive activities,” Mr. Anaya said.  ________________  For more details go to UN News Centre at http://www.un.org/news 

최종수정일: 2022.06.19