Better Story #5 <Daisy X King David> A Biafran independence activist, his stories of immigration detention and getting recognized as a refugee in Korea

2021년 7월 20일

Advocates for Public Interest Law (APIL) 10th Anniversary Talk Concert, Better Story #5

A Biafran independence activist, his stories of immigration detention and getting recognized as a refugee in Korea <Daisy X King David>


Marking the 10th anniversary of APIL in 2021, we are providing a space to listen to the stories of immigrants who are living bravely in Korean society.


Date: August 27, 7 p.m.-8 p.m.

Where to meet: APIL YouTube Channel Live



Daisy – likes everyday happiness. She is a lawyer who wants refugees to be recognized as refugees, and detained migrants to be released from detention so that they may enjoy everyday happiness.

King David Christian Eze – coordinator of the Korean chapter of the IPOB, a Biafran separatist organization eager for the independence of its people. He applied for refugee status due to persecution by the Nigerian government, and was eventually recognized as a refugee, but he was detained in a detention center and went through many ups and downs in the process.


How to apply: Please leave your email address by August 27th, using the link below or the QR code, and we will send you the link on the morning of the event to participate. Please leave a comment if you have any questions!

최종수정일: 2022.06.19

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