난민신청서 Refugee Status Application Form

2012년 2월 6일

난민인정신청서 Asylum Application Form 



Refugee Status Recognition Application (En) 

아래 링크에 가시면 새로운 난민인정신청서 외에도 난민인정불허취소처분이의 신청서, 난민임시상륙허가 신청서 등 다양한 난민업무 관련 문서들이 있습니다. In addition to the application form for recognition of refugee status (i.e. asylum application), the link below contains various asylum-related documents such as the application form for appeal to rejection of recognition of refugee status and the application form for temporary landing permission of refugee.     Links

(Korean) http://www.hikorea.go.kr/pt/DownLoadTemplPopupR_kr.pt  (English) http://www.hikorea.go.kr/pt/DownLoadTemplPopupR_en.pt   

위의 난민인정신청서에 아래의 자료를 첨부해야 합니다. Apart from the application form above, the following documents are needed.

  • document(s) evidencing being persecuted
  • 2 Photos (3.5×4.5 cm)
  • Passport or Seaman book (Original and one photo copy)
  • Other Identifications
최종수정일: 2022.06.19

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